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Solfeggio Sounds
A sensational series of musical compositions 
based on ancient mathematical scales and legendary frequencies...

The Solfeggio Sounds frequencies were often used in Gregorian Chants.  The special tone of the chants imparted enormous spiritual blessing when sung and heard. 

The six Solfeggio frequencies have been analysed by physicists and musicians.  All agree that they constitute a unique interrelated series of mathematically derived electromagnetic sound frequencies. They do not correlate directly with any conventional notes within known musical scales.  This has led some to suggest that the Solfeggio Sounds are derived from the mystical "Music of the Spheres" and is the basis of the legend of the "Lost Chord".

All six Solfeggio frequencies have specific healing associations as they interact with the vibrational energies of the human body.    

Some theorists have considered the possibility that these electromagnetic frequencies are involved in the alchemical process of transmutation.

Solfeggio Frequencies

The first Solfeggio frequency, 396Hz or Ut, can be used in any situation where you need to resolve fear or guilt. 

The second Solfeggio frequency, 417Hz or Re, can be used to make any positive change in your life.

The third Solfeggio frequency, 528 Hz or Mi, is said to derive from the Latin word miragestorum or "miracle". The frequency has been used by geneticists to repair damaged DNA.

The fourth Solfeggio frequency, 639 Hz or Fa, can be used to develop and heal relationships.

The fifth Solfeggio frequency, 741 Hz or Sol, can be used at a psychic level to develop intuition and sixth sense.

The sixth Solfeggio frequency, 852 Hz or La, can be used to facilitate spiritual enlightenment and growth.



Solfeggio Sounds Downloads
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Solfeggio Sounds 396Hz
UT - 396 Hz
  Getting Rid of Guilt and Fear
Solfeggio Sounds 417Hz
RE - 417 Hz
Making Positive Changes

Solfeggio Sounds 528Hz
MI - 528 Hz
Transformation, Miracles and DNA Repair

Solfeggio Sounds 639Hz

FA -  639 Hz
Making Connections and Developing Relationships
Solfeggio Sounds 741 Hz

SOL - 741 Hz
Developing Intuition 
Solfeggio Sounds 852 Hz

LA - 852 Hz
Spiritual Enlightenment

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Visa Delta [1258 bytes] Visa [1251 bytes] JCB [1245 bytes] Switch [1166 bytes] MasterCard [1192 bytes] Solo [1398 bytes] Visa Electron Uk Debit [1246 bytes]

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